Lists Overview
How to Use the Lists Section
You can access this section by selecting the Lists tab from the navigation tabs in site administration. Only the Headquarters Administrator has access to this tab. These lists have been set up with some default values. You can delete some of the default values and create your own or keep the default values. If you do not see a delete link next to a value, the value is used internally and cannot be deleted. Default values tied to automatic email notifications as discussed below cannot be deleted. To add to any List topic, click on the applicable list topic link on the left (i.e. Appointment Status Types) and then utilize the Add button on the far right of the page that appears. The Lists section allows you to add or edit the following information:
This list item allows you to display information about a Location or add a new Location. Please see the Locations section of this Help menu for more information regarding Locations.Heard Via? Types
This is a customer field that you have the option of utilizing when booking appointments from either the Customer View, or Site Administration. This customer field allows you to create a drop down list to prompt your customers and staff to select how your customers heard about your services. This may be an important tracking function for marketing purposes. These are the ways in which customers find out about your organization. To add a new lead type, click on the Add New Heard Via? Type link. Enter a description of the lead type then click on the Save button. This list is tied directly to the Heard Via field that is found in the Customer Fields/Terms link that can be accessed from your Settings Tab.Payment Types
This list allows you to track payment information or set up the different forms of payment that you accept. Like the Heard Via Type referenced above, this is a customer field that can be found in the Customer Fields/Terms under Settings Tab. If you don't want customers to see a payment type, be sure to select "no" for the "Allow customers to see" parameter when adding a new payment type.Appointment Status Types
These are the different statuses for appointments. You can change the status of an appointment when you are viewing your daily appointments in the Appointments grid by utilizing one-click status changing (see Appointments Preferences to enable this function) or by clicking on any appointment on the grid and finding the "Status" field. Here are examples of the default appointment status types; Scheduled, Confirmed, Complete, and No Show. You can enable automatic emails to your clients or staff members based on each of the four default appointment status types - go to the Email Notifications links in the Settings tab. You can also add as many other new appointment status types as needed. You can then run reports based upon the appointment status types.
You can add more appointment statuses and change the colors of them by clicking on the Lists button (note that only the Headquarters Administrator has access to this button). If you then click on the Appointment Status Types link, it will list the current appointment statuses. If you click on one, you can then change its color.
To add appointment statuses, click on the Add New Appointment Status Type link. Enter a description for the status, select a color and click on the Save button. Once you add a new status, you can then place appointments into that status when updating them in the Appointments section of Site Administration. Adding new appointment status types or changing the color schemes of existing types will automatically change the color legend at the top of the appointments grid.Customer Types
If you have different types of customers, you can create various customer types and assign them to customers. Like the Heard Via list, the Customer Type list appears as a drop down in a customer field. Therefore, you must use the Customer Fields/Terms link in the Settings Tab to enable this field. Having different customer types can also be helpful when viewing reports.Customer Status Types
These are statuses for your customers.Staff Member Types
These allow you designate among different types of staff members. This drop down list is one of the fields that is found when adding new staff members.