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How do I disallow a customer from making appointments if their package is fully used?
How do I disallow a customer from making appointments if their package is fully used?
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over a week ago

How do I disallow a customer from making appointments if their package is fully used?

DS Logo (002).jpg
  • LAST UPDATED: 8/1/2022

  • PRICING TIER: Silver

  • APPOINTMENT VERSION: Single & Multiple

When using the "Number of Sessions" package type, you can disallow appointments when packages are fully used. Please note that these options do not apply to the "$ Amount" or "Number of Days" package types. Follow the steps below to disable the ability for Customers to overbook packages.

  1. Click the Settings tab

  2. Select the Packages link

  3. Set Preference #3 to Yes

  4. Click the Update button

NOTE: You can also disallow an appointment from being made in Site Administration if the package selected for the customer is fully used. This is controlled by Preference #4 in the Packages section of Preferences.

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