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Packages Overview
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 8 months ago
  • Pricing Tier: Silver or higher

  • Appointment Version: Single & Multiple

Packages let Customers pay in advance for offerings that will be deducted over a period of time. Examples of Packages include Volume Discounts, Prepaid Services, and Memberships. The Packages feature can be enabled when subscribing to the Silver price tier or higher.

Tip: Learn more about our available subscription tiers.


  1. How to Enable Packages

  2. How to Create a Package

  3. How to Edit a Package

  4. How to Assign a Package to a Customer

  5. How to Schedule Appointments with Packages

  6. How Customers can Purchase Packages

  7. How to Run the Package Report

  8. How to Configure Package Tax Rates

  9. How to Apply Coupons to Packages

How to Enable Packages

  1. Click the Settings tab at the top right corner of Site Administration.

  2. Select the Packages link within the list of preferences.

  3. Set Preference #1 to Yes.

  4. Click the Update at the bottom of the page.

Note: After refreshing your browser window, a Packages tab will appear within the Navigation Bar of your account.

How to Create a Package

  1. Click on the Packages tab in the Navigation Bar of Site Administration.

  2. Select the Add New Package at the top left.

  3. Enter the details of your new package. (see field definitions below)

  4. Click Add at the bottom of the page.

Package Field Definitions

  1. Name: The name of the Package. For example: 10 session package

  2. Type: There are 3 types of Packages. Your options are:

    1. Number of Sessions - This is a common type of Package that typically involves a discounted per-session cost if a Customer pays for a specified number of sessions in advance. Appointments in this type of session count against the total number of sessions on the Package.

    2. Amount - This type of session involves paying a certain amount for the Package in advance and having the cost of each Appointment count against the total Package amount.

    3. Number of Days - This type of Package has you specify a number of days that a Package is valid. For example, your Package might be "30 day membership". The system would keep track of the number of days elapsed since the Customer was assigned that Package.

  1. Total: The total price of the Package.

  2. Number of Sessions (if applicable): Specify the number of sessions included in the Package.

  3. Price Per Session/Month (if applicable): Represents the price per session or month.

  4. Number of Days (if applicable): Specify the number of days included in the Package.

  5. Down Payment (if applicable): The down payment required when the Package is purchased by a Customer.

  6. Enrollment Fee (if applicable): Typically, a one-time fee paid by the Customer to enroll.

  7. Category: This will only display if you are using the Point of Sale plugin. This is used if you want to put the Package into a product category for sales reporting purposes.

  8. Status: If a Package is set to Active, it will be available to assign to Customers. If it is set to Inactive, it will not display in the drop-down list when adding Packages to Customers. Additionally, if a {ackage is inactive, it will not display in the Package drop-down list on the Point of Sale page, thus not allowing that Package to be included in a sales transaction.

  9. Statuses that Count as a Used Session: These are the Appointment statuses that an Appointment must be in to count as a used session. If a particular Appointment is set up as being included in a Package, but is not set to one of the statuses you selected, it will not count in the system against the total number of sessions allowed for the Package.

  10. Services that can be Used for the Package: These are the Services that a Customer can select when setting Appointments within their Packages.

    1. If you have Services that are inactive, do not unassign them from the Package. If you do, any Package amount for an Appointment with the inactive Service will be returned to the Package balance.

  11. Expiration Date: The Expiration Date field will show when administrative users assign "Number of Sessions" Packages to Customers, and view existing Packages assigned to Customers. Expiration Date does not apply to the "$ Amount" or "Number of Days" package types. The expiration date is applied when Appointments are created, not the date for which the Appointment is set.

    1. Example: If you have an expiration date set on a package 7 days from today you will be able to create an Appointment for the next 7 days using that package regardless of the actual Appointment date. However, 8 days from now you will not be able to create an Appointment and use that package.

How to Edit a Package

  1. Click on the Packages tab in the Navigation Bar of Site Administration.

  2. Select Edit Packages at the top left corner.

  3. Select a Package to edit by clicking on its name from the list.

  4. Edit your Package, then click Update at the bottom of the page.

Note: If you have Services that are inactive, do not unassign them from the Package. If you do, any Package amount for an Appointment with the inactive Service will be returned to the Package balance.

How to Assign a Package to a Customer

Once a Package has been assigned to a Customer, the Package can be selected when creating Appointments. There are three options available to assign a Package to a Customer:

  • Option #1: Click on the Packages tab, then select the Assign Package to Customer link.

  • Option #2: Click on the Customers tab, then search & select Customer. Next, select the Assign Package to Customer link.

  • Option #3: When processing a transaction using the Point of Sale plugin, select a Package from the drop-down list and click the Add button. At the bottom of the form, select the Add package to Customer in database checkbox. When the transaction is processed, the Package will automatically be assigned to the Customer.

Note: When using either option 1 or 2, you will be able to set an expiration date for the Package. Expiration Dates will only apply to the "Number of Sessions" Package type.

Viewing Packages Assigned to a Customer

For any existing Customers that have Packages assigned to their profile, you may view them from the Customers tab. Use the existing search tool to locate a specific Customer profile. Click on the Customer's name to open their profile.

From the left navigation, click List Customer Packages. In the list of existing Packages, you will be able to see the same details as existed when you assigned the Package to the profile. If the Customer has more than 10 packages, the display will be broken into multiple pages. You will see how many total Packages are assigned to the Customer and then be able to navigate to Next or Previous pages, as well as the First or Last page, depending on where you are in the set of pages.

How to Schedule Appointments with Packages

When creating Appointments for Customers, the system will include information about their Packages as part of the Appointment information. If a Customer does not have any Packages assigned to them, no statistical information will display. This information includes:

  • The name of the Package(s) assigned to the Customer.

  • The date the Package was assigned to the Customer. This date shows in parentheses.

  • The amount of the Package that has been used.

Note: To view more details about a Customer's Package use, click Package Details below this drop-down field.

How Customers can Purchase Packages

If you are using the Customer View of the system and are set up to accept online credit card payments (or want to have them enter their credit card information for later processing), you can allow Customers to purchase their own Packages. To enable this, go into the Customer Payments section of Preferences. At the bottom of that page, you'll see a Packages section. That is where you would set up your payment parameters. Next, set Packages Preference #2 to Yes in the Packages section of Settings. Once you do that, the Customer View will display a section for purchasing packages. When Customers purchase Packages via the Customer View, it goes into the system as a sales transaction and the Package is assigned to the Customer.

Note: You will also need to require Customers to log in for this feature to work properly. To require Customers to log in before scheduling online, set Customer View preference #2 to Yes.

How to Run the Package Report

To get a listing of all your Customers who are assigned Packages, use the Package Report. The Package Report is in the Packages section of Preferences. To run the report:

  1. Select Location, if applicable.

  2. Select the Package's status: all, active or inactive

  3. Select whether you want to show all Customers with Packages, just those with packages with availability, or just Customers with full (completely used) Packages.

  4. Select to sort by Package or Customer.

When you have selected your criteria, click on the Run Report button. The report shows the following information.

  • Customer

  • Package

  • Assigned Date

  • Expiration Date

  • Total Cost

  • Used (if applicable)

  • Remaining (if applicable)

How to Configure Package Tax Rates

When creating and editing Packages in Site Administration, users can denote that the Package is taxable.

The tax rate for Packages can be configured through the Tax Rates section of the Point of Sale plugin.

How to Apply Coupons to Packages

Coupons can be applied when purchasing Packages through Site Administration or the Customer View. If Packages are set to be taxable, Coupons will also be applied to the tax on Packages.

To let Customers apply their Coupons to Packages, set Customer View Preference #14 to Yes in the Settings section of your account.

Note: Coupons equaling or exceeding the value of the Package will result in a $0 balance for the transaction rather than a credit to the customer.

Tip: Tax rate and Coupons can only be configured for Packages when the Point of Sale (POS) plugin is activated. Click here to learn more about the Point of Sale plugin.

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