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One Click Status Changing
One Click Status Changing
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over a week ago

One Click Status Changing

  • LAST UPDATED: 7/15/2022

  • PRICE TIER: All Tiers

  • VERSION: Single Appointment Per Time Slot

The Appointment Grid provides you with a quick view of your schedule, as well as the status of each Appointment. The color of each Appointment corresponds to its status. For example, you can label Appointments as Scheduled, Confirmed, No Show, Completed, Etc.

Accounts using the Single Appointment Per Time Slot version can use the One Click Status Changing feature to quickly update the status of Appointments directly from the Appointment Grid.

To Enable One Click Status Changing:

CLICK: Settings tab > Appointments > Preference #13 > Yes

When this feature is enabled, a rectangular icon (


) will be added next to the name of each Customer when viewing Appointments in Site Administration. To change the status of an Appointment, simply hover over the icon, then select an Appointment Status.


Status Change from Appointment Summary

Don't forget that you can also change the status of an Appointment when viewing the Appointment Summary information. To view the summary, click to open the Appointment. View the current status, along with other information about the creation or update activity in the Status Information section. Clicking the drop-down field will show other options and, after selecting an option, the status will be applied and the colored circle will update to show the newly applied status' color to the Appointment.

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