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How can I add more Appointment Status Types/Colors?
How can I add more Appointment Status Types/Colors?
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over a week ago

How can I add more Appointment Status Types/Colors?

DS Logo (002).jpg
  • Last Update: 7/13/2022

  • Pricing Tier: All

  • Appointment Version: Single & Multiple

Appointment Status Types
The color used to display Appointments on the calendar is based on the status set in the record. The system contains a few standards, default status types that you may edit, as well as provides Headquarters Administrators with the ability to add custom status types for your account.
​Note: Any status created in the account will be available for all Locations. You cannot create a separate list of statuses by Location.
The default status types are:

  • Scheduled

  • Confirmed

  • Complete

  • No Show

For the default status types, you may change the name or the color, however, none of these types can be deleted. Each of these status values is associated with an email notification and other behavior in the application.
To add a custom status:

  1. Click Lists

  2. Click Appointment Status Types

  3. Click Add New Appointment Status Type

  4. Enter the name of the Status

  5. Choose a color

  6. Click Update

A picture containing diagram Description automatically generated

To change the name or color of existing status types, repeat steps 1 and 2 above, click on an existing status type from the list, make the necessary changes, and click Update. The updated status information will now be used on the calendar and in reports for any Appointment that is currently in that status.
​Why is there no Cancelled status?
You may notice that Cancelled isn't included in the standard list. The reason for this is because when an Appointment is cancelled from the Appointment window or by a Customer, the Appointment is removed from the calendar display. Since there is no way to show an Appointment that has been cancelled in this way, there is no option to set or change the color of this status. This status info is used to display cancelled Appointments in Reports or the Customer History. You do not need to add a cancelled status for this part of the system to work.

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