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Staff Member Types Overview
Staff Member Types Overview
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over a week ago

Staff Member Types Overview

  • Pricing Tier: All

  • Appointment Version: Single & Multiple

Staff Member Types allows you to group your staff members. With these groups, you can display a group of schedules on the appointment grid or run a report based on a staff member type group. By default, Staff and Managers are set up for your use within your account. To add new staff member types:

  • Click Lists

  • Click Staff Member Types

  • Click Add New Staff Member Type

TIP: If you would like to change the default Staff Member Type labels, you can do so by clicking on the description link when on the Staff Member Type page.

Assigning Staff Member Types

When all of your staff member types have been added, you can now assign them to each of your staff member profiles. You will need to go into each profile to assign them a staff member type. To do so:

  • Click Staff Members.

  • Search or Select the desired Staff Member profile.

  • On the profile form, find and click the Staff Member Type drop-down field.

  • Choose from the list of Types.

  • Click Update to save the changes.

Repeat this process for any Staff Member you wish to be able to filter in other areas of the application.

Using Staff Member Types

There are a few places within the application where you can filter the results by the Staff Member Type: Appointment Grid and Reports.

Appointment Grid

On the Appointments tab, you will see a Staff Member Types drop-down above the calendar. Selecting it will list the types you have added to your Lists section. When selecting a Staff Member Type, it will refresh your Appointment Grid and only show the schedules associated with that Staff Member Type.

If you do not see the Staff Member Type drop-down field, you will need to enable a preference. By default, the preference is turned off. To enable it:

  • Log in as a Headquarters Administrator.

  • Click Settings.

  • Click Appointments.

  • Locate the preference Enable the ability to display staff members by staff member type on the appointment grid.

  • Select yes.

  • Click Update.


With Staff Member Types set up and assigned to profiles, you will now be able to run reports based on these Staff Member Types. To do so:

  • Click Reports.

  • In the Appointment Report filters, click the Staff Member Type drop-down field.

  • Choose the type by which to filter your Staff Members

  • Set any other criteria or parameters for the report.

  • Click Run Report.

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