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Staff Members Tab
Staff Members Tab
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 9 months ago

Staff Members Tab


  • APPOINTMENT VERSION: Single & Multiple

The Staff Members section is used to add, update, and delete administrative users, as well as designate what types of Appointments can be scheduled, and when they can be scheduled.

Each user can be assigned different schedules and Services. These can be changed at any time by clicking on the Staff Members tab and then clicking on the user profile you want to change. The links on the left side of the page will allow you to customize the schedule, days off and Services offered.

It is important to understand that the “Open Hours” and “Closed Days” sections found after clicking the Settings tab override individual user schedules. As a general rule, the available hours for each schedule have to fall within the general “Open Hours” for the organization. It might be necessary to update the Open Hours and Closed Days sections to accommodate all Staff Members.


Viewing the Staff Members Tab

Upon selecting the Staff Members tab, you will be shown a list of all the existing Staff Member profiles within your account. By clicking on the name of any of these Staff Members, you will be taken to their profile page, where you can view and edit the details of both their profile and their schedule.

If your account has a large number of Staff Members, you may need to sort or filter this list of staff members to find what you're looking for. Luckily, we have some tools built into the Staff Members tab to help you locate the Staff Member you're looking for.

Filter By


By using the Filter By tool, you can select the Staff Member Types and Access Types you want to filter staff members by. Simply select all of the values you want to apply, and then click "Search". The page will then reload with all Staff Members filtered according to your selections.

Sort By


The Sort By tool allows you to determine the order that Staff Member profiles are displayed. By default, the application will display profiles based on the "Sort Order" value of each profile. The Sort By tool allows you to select a value from the drop-down to sort by instead of the Sort Order value.

Search By


The search by tool allows users to search for Staff Member profiles based on specific fields. Simply select the fields you wish to search by, enter the term you want to search for, and then click the "Search" button.

Adding a New Staff Member

To add a new staff member, first visit the Staff Members tab, and then click on the "Add New Staff Member" option in the upper left corner. When adding a new user profile, you will be asked to provide the basic information below:

  • Status
    There may be administrative users who need to access the system but are not available for Appointments. An example would be a manager who needs access to the system to be able to run reports and oversee the operation. This type of employee would be set up as a Staff Member, but the assigned "Status" would be set to "Inactive" to reflect that no scheduling function is needed for the user.

  • Allow Customers to See
    This field dictates whether the users' schedules can be seen on the Customer View. Select “yes” if you would like customers to be able to schedule with the Staff member.

  • Access Type
    Each user may or may not have an assigned login and password to let them log in to your DaySmart Appointments account. Whether to assign users separate logins/passwords depends on how much access you want them to have. Select one of the 5 access types based on how much account information each user can see. Click here for detailed descriptions of each access type.

  • Top Menu Access
    When adding a new user or updating existing Staff Member's profiles, Administrators can designate what menu bar options the user can see. Click here for more details.

  • Schedule
    This section is used to create a weekly recurring schedule. As noted above, schedules and days off for staff members should fall within the general "Open Hours" and "Closed Days" found in Settings.

  • Services Offered
    You can assign what Services are offered for each user profile, and indicate what days of the week each Service is offered. You can even override the default values for the duration and cost of each Service.

  • Days Off
    This section is used to set off days for the staff member. Any Closed Days added in Settings, such as holidays, will automatically display as off days for all Staff Members.

  • Rooms
    If you are utilizing the Rooms function of the system, you will also need to ensure that your Staff members are assigned to all applicable Rooms. Failure to assign Staff members to the room is a common problem that results in Customer View scheduling issues when using this functionality.

Staff Member Preferences
In addition to the Staff Members tab at the top of your site administration page, your Staff Members setup and customer view are affected by the Staff Member preferences. Staff Member preferences can be accessed from Site Administration by clicking on the Settings tab and then clicking on the Staff Members link on the left side under Preferences. Please carefully review these preferences for your account.

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