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Controlling Customer Fields: Display and Required Status
Controlling Customer Fields: Display and Required Status
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 7 months ago

Controlling Customer Fields: Display and Required Status


  • APPOINTMENT VERSION: Single & Multiple

Administrators with access to manage the configuration of the scheduling account can adjust the field data you prompt your Customers to complete. You may want to read the full article about managing Customer Fields/Terms. However, here is a brief description of the options you can control.

Visit the Settings page and click Customer Fields/Terms from the left navigation. You'll see a grid with a number of columns. Here is a description of each column:

This column lists the system names for the customer fields. This column is for reference in the event you change the display name of any of the fields. You cannot change this column.

Customer View Registration
This controls whether this field is H (hidden), O (optional), or R (required) on the Customer View when a customer registers on your site, if the Customer View is enabled for your application.

Customer Profile
This controls the fields that display in the customer section of Site Administration. The customer section is accessed by clicking on the Customers button. To see these fields in the Customers section, either click on the Add New Customer link in that section or search for and click on a customer's name in that section. You can decide whether to make the fields hidden (H), required (R) or optional (O) when accessed through the Customers tab.

Appointment Page
This column designates whether a field is hidden (H), optional (O), or required (R) when you are making or changing an appointment in site admin. These fields display in the Make Appointment box when making appointments and in the View Detail box when editing or viewing an existing appointment.

Display Name
This is the label of the field. For example, you can change the display name of the Address2 field (or any field for that matter) to "Major Cross Streets". If you make this change to display name, then wherever the Address2 field displays in the system, it will be labeled "Major Cross Streets".

Sort Order
The Sort Order field controls the order in which the fields are displayed.

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