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Children Scheduling Overview
Children Scheduling Overview
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 7 months ago

Children Scheduling Overview


  • APPOINTMENT VERSION: Single & Multiple

DaySmart Appointments offers the ability to schedule Appointments for Customers and their Children through Site Administration and the Customer View. Children can be added when creating Customer Profiles and scheduling Appointments in Site Administration, as well as when Customers register through the Customer View and schedule their own Appointments. Data for Children profiles is also available for use with the DaySmart Appointments Web Services system to make it possible to access the data with other applications and systems.

NOTE: Children cannot be scheduled for Events at this time.

How to enable Children

A simple change to your account's configuration will enable the ability to create Children profiles for Customers and use them when creating Appointments.

Click Settings > Customers. Locate Preference #5 and set it to Yes to enable the Children scheduling functionality in your account. This will include adding and scheduling Children through Site Administration and the Customer View.

Additionally, it is recommended that you set Preference #5a to Yes to require all Appointments to have a Child selected prior to being scheduled.

Enabling the Children scheduling functionality automatically requires Customers to login to make Appointments. This means that Customer View Preference #3 will automatically be enabled, and then hidden within the Preferences section when Customers Preference #5 is enabled.

NOTE: Due to the functionality for scheduling Children and Pets being so closely related, it is not currently possible to have both Children and Pets in the same account.

Scheduling Appointments for Children in Site Administration

Within the Make Appointment page that opens after selecting a time slot in Site Administration, new Children profiles can be created by typing in the first and last name of the Child, prior to finalizing an Appointment.


TIP: If you need the ability to schedule multiple Children for a single appointment, please ensure that the Multiple Appointments Per Time Slot (MAPTS) version of the software is enabled for your account. An DaySmart Appointments representative can assist you with enabling this version.

Adding Children profiles in Customers tab

After searching for a Customer and selecting their name within the Customers tab of Site Administration, Child profiles can be added by clicking on the Add New Child link from the left navigation. The next page will let you enter in all the details for the new Child profile.

Add a child.jpg

Registering Children through the Customer View

Customers will be able to add up to five Children when registering through the Customer View. After clicking on the submit button at the bottom of the registration page, the Customer will log in automatically and start the scheduling process. An example of the Child information form is included below.


Scheduling Appointments for Children through the Customer View

Children added during the registration process can now be selected by using the check box fields. Additional Children can also be added by typing in the Child details prior to scheduling an Appointment.


NOTE: Depending on how your account is setup, the Child selection area will show below the Service or Staff Member drop down fields.

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