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Rooms Field Definitions
Rooms Field Definitions
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over a week ago

  • ST UPDATED: 8/2/2022



Days Off
Mark any days you want the room unavailable.

Room Name
Enter a name associated with the room. This name will not be seen by your customers.

Enter the schedule that your room will be available. An appointment will have to fit in the available times of the staff member and the room schedules.

Screen Name
If there is a different name you want to have the room labeled as, enter it here. If not, set it the same as the Room Name. The screen name is the one that is listed on the appointment grid or in the reports.

Services Available
Assign the services available for a specific room.

Set the room as Active if it is ready to have appointments assigned to it, or Inactive if it shouldn't be in use.

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