Pricing Tier: All
Appointment Version: Single & Multiple
Administrative users can upload their Appointments through the Work Requests section of Site Administration. Since each Appointment is associated with a Customer profile, the Appointment upload must include the first and last name of each Customer, as well as the details of each Appointment.
DaySmart Appointments charges a $75.00 USD fee for each Excel file uploaded. The file size is limited to 2.097152MB.
Click the Settings tab, then select the Work Requests link
Select the Appointment & Customer Upload option from the drop-down list
Click on Browse to select your Excel file
Enter your payment information
Click the Submit button
Please follow the steps below to ensure your Excel file is formatted correctly before uploading.
Preparing your Excel file
There are five steps to preparing your data for upload. Please read through all steps and contact our Support team if you have any questions.
Step 1: Create Your File
Start by creating a new Excel spreadsheet with a single sheet. If your spreadsheet includes multiple sheets, delete all but one sheet.
Step 2: Customer Details
Enter your Customer data while keeping each field in its own column. For example, first name, last name, address 1, etc. Make sure each column is labeled correctly. They will need to match the “field names” or “display names” of the fields listed in the Customer Fields/Terms section of Settings.
You can use any of the following fields as column headings in your spreadsheet. ONLY use the fields that apply to your upload. DO NOT create a column header for each field listed below.
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Birth Date
Day Phone
Night Phone
Cell Phone
Heard Via (use ID of appropriate Lead ID as set up in your DaySmart account)
Status (use ID of the appropriate Customer Status as set up in your DaySmart account)
Allow to Login (enter yes or no only)
Customer Type ID (use ID of appropriate Customer Type as set up in your DaySmart account)
Contact Okay (enter yes or no only)
Call Okay (enter yes or no only)
Email Okay (enter yes or no only)
Mail Okay (enter yes or no only)
Assigned To (use Staff Member's ID)
Referred By
Payment Method
It is recommended that you do not include credit card information in your upload. If you have questions about Customer credit card tokens, please contact our Support team.
Step 3: Appointment Details
Enter the required Appointment details while keeping each field in its own column. For example, you may want to include the date, start time, end time, Staff Member, or other information about the Appointment. Although you do not need to use all the Customer fields listed above, the First Name and Last Name fields are required when uploading Appointments.
Use any of the following fields as column headings in your spreadsheet:
Start Time
End Time
Appointment Status (use ID of the status as configured in your DaySmart Appointments account)
Service (use ID of the Service in your DaySmart Appointments account)
Staff Member (use ID of Staff Member in your DaySmart Appointments account)
Cost (optional)
As noted with each of the Customer or Appointment fields, if you are including the Payment Method, Heard Via, Appointment Status, Customer Type ID Assigned To, or other fields with data from the DaySmart Appointments system in your upload, you will need to use the ID number to indicate what option to save in the Customer's profile.
For example, if you are using the Assigned To field to assign a Customer to a specific Staff Member, you will need to insert the Staff Member's DaySmart ID in that cell on your spreadsheet. ID numbers for any of these items may be found by locating the resource and hovering over the link. See below for an example of how to identify the ID for a Staff Member.
Finding the Staff Member ID
Finding the Appointment Status ID
Step 4: Convert Start and End time to Minutes
Add the Start time and End time of each Appointment to your spreadsheet using minutes. The start and end times can be calculated based on the number of minutes from midnight. For Example: 1 AM would be 60 (1 X 60 minutes = 60 minutes), 1 PM would be 780 (13 X 60 minutes).
To convert existing start and end times:
Start by adding a new column next to your existing Start time column.
Next, format the cells of both start time columns by right clicking on the column header, then selecting the “Format Cells” option.
Set the “Start time” column format to "Custom h:mm."
Set the “Start (Minutes)” column to "Number" with 0 decimal places.
With the first cell of your “Start (Minutes)” column selected, enter the formula: =(Cell)*1440
Drag down on the arrow below the newly converted cell to apply the formula to the remaining cells.
NOTE: Delete the original "Start time" column in your spreadsheet, then repeat step 4 with the “End Time” column prior to uploading.
Step 5: Saving Your File
Save your file using the Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Worksheet (.xls) format.
Important Notes
The file size is limited to 2.097152MB for each upload. Please separate data into multiple files and submit each file as its own upload request if your original file is larger than 2.097152MB.
Files must be saved using the Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Worksheet (.xls) format.
Appointment Start Times must be in minutes
Data for each Customer should be in the same row. Do not use separate rows for the same Customer.
Plain text format is required to upload Customer data fields correctly. Remove all formatting in the file such as formulas, merged cells, and images.
By default, the uploads will not duplicate Customer names based on the first and last name. If you have many Customer records and possibly have Customers with the same first and last names, please indicate in your work request that you wish to have duplicate Customer records uploaded.
The Staff Member, Service, and Appointment Statuses must be added to your spreadsheet using their unique ID numbers for each item (not the Display Name).