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Examples of Notification Merge Fields
Examples of Notification Merge Fields
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over a week ago

Examples of Notification Merge Fields

As you create and design your outgoing email notifications, you may be wondering how each field works. Before we dig into the examples, here are a few terms to understand:

  • Block: A collection of content that will display information in a predefined set and order. Blocks cannot be edited to add or remove individual fields.

  • Section: A wrapper that allows the system to merge data from a specific Resource (Appointment, Staff Member, Service, Add-on Service, or Room). When you insert a Block, it is surrounded by a Section tag, and it should NOT be deleted.

Check out the examples below to see how this works for some of the most commonly used fields!

  • Start or End Time

  • Start or End Date

  • Start or End Timestamp

  • Service Block

  • Staff Member Block

  • Add-on Service Block

  • Room Block

  • Action Links Block

  • Document Links

  • Virtual Meeting Room Links

Start or End Time

The time information is presented in emails based on the configuration of your account for Time Format (Settings > General #5). For this example, we are using 12 hour time.

The time used for the Start Time is based on the earliest start time of any Service in an Appointment. If you have multiple Services, the End Time is the latest end time of all the Services.

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Friendly Email Output

  • 4:00pm

  • 4:30pm

Example of Full Template

Hi there ##{{Customer.firstName}},

Thank you for making an appointment with us from ##{{Appointment.startTime}} to ##{{Appointment.endTime}}.

DaySmart Appointments

Example of Final Email

Hi there Heather,

Thank you for making an appointment with us from 4:00pm to 4:30pm.

DaySmart Appointments

Start or End Date

The date information is presented in emails based on the configuration of your account for Date Format (Settings > General #3). For this example, we are using MM/DD/YYYY.

Normally, the end date is the same as the start date, so you may only need to display the starting date.

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Friendly Email Output

  • 9/28/2020

Example of Full Template

Hi there ##{{Customer.firstName}},

Thank you for making an appointment with us on ##{{Appointment.startDate}}.

DaySmart Appointments

Example of Final Email

Hi there Heather,

Thank you for making an appointment with us on 9/28/2020.

DaySmart Appointments

Start or End Timestamp

The timestamp field combines both the Date and the Time. The information presented in emails is a combination of the configuration of your account for Text Date Format (Settings > General #4) and the Time Format (Settings > General #5). For this example, we are using Month DD, YYYY and 12-hour time.

The time used for the Start Timestamp is based on the earliest start time of any Service in an Appointment. If you have multiple Services, the End Timestamp is the latest end time of all the Services.

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Friendly Email Output

  • September 28, 2020 4:00pm

  • September 28, 2020 4:30pm

Example of Full Template

Hi there ##{{Customer.firstName}},

Your appointment is scheduled for: ##{{Appointment.startTimestamp}}

DaySmart Appointments

Example of Final Email

Hi there Heather,

Your appointment is scheduled for: September 28, 2020 4:00pm

DaySmart Appointments

Service Block

The Service Block contains data fields related to the Service associated with the Appointment. Service Name, Date, Time, Staff Member(s), Room(s).

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Friendly Email Output

Service: 30 Minute Service
Date: 9/25/2020
Time: 1:00pm
Staff Member: Cassie

Example of Full Template

Hi there ##{{Customer.firstName}},

Thank you for making an appointment with us. Please see your appointment details below:


If you need to cancel or reschedule please reply to this email.

DaySmart Appointments

Example of Final Email

Hi there Heather,

Thank you for making an appointment with us. Please see your appointment details below:

Service: 30 Minute Service
Date: 9/25/2020
Time: 1:00pm
Staff Member: Cassie

If you need to cancel or reschedule please reply to this email.

DaySmart Appointments

Staff Member Block

The Staff Member Block displays a comma-separated list of employees assigned to the Service. If there is more than one Staff Member, each user's screen name will be displayed in a comma-separated list.

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Friendly Email Output

Trenton, Janice, William

Example of Full Template

Hi there ##{{Customer.firstName}},

Thank you for making an appointment with us. You will be meeting with the following Employees for your Appointment: ##{{AppointmentServiceSection}}##{{AppointmentServiceEmployeeBlock}}##{{/AppointmentServiceSection}}

If you need to cancel or reschedule please reply to this email.

DaySmart Appointments

Example of Final Email

Hi there Heather,

Thank you for making an appointment with us. You will be meeting with the following Employees for your Appointment: Trenton, Janice, William

If you need to cancel or reschedule please reply to this email.

DaySmart Appointments

Add-on Service Block

The Add-on Service Block displays a comma-separated list of Add-on Services assigned to the Appointment’s primary Service. If there is more than one Add-on Service, each Add-on Service’s title will be displayed in a comma-separated list.

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Friendly Email Output

  • Add-on Service1

Example of Full Template

Hi there ##{{Customer.firstName}},

Thank you for making an appointment with us. Your appointment will include this additional service: ##{{AppointmentServiceSection}}##{{AppointmentServiceAddOnBlock}}##{{/AppointmentServiceSection}}

DaySmart Appointments

Example of Final Email

Hi there Heather,

Thank you for making an appointment with us. Your appointment will include this additional service: Add-on Service1

DaySmart Appointments

Room Block

The Room Block displays a comma-separated list of Rooms assigned to the Service. If there is more than one Room, each Room's screen name will be displayed in a comma-separated list.

Editor View


Friendly Email Output

Exam Room 1

Example of Full Template

Hi there, ##{{Customer.firstName}}

Your appointment is scheduled in ##{{AppointmentServiceSection}}##{{AppointmentServiceRoomBlock}}##{{/AppointmentServiceSection}}.

DaySmart Appointments

Example of Final Email

Hi there, Heather

Your appointment is scheduled in Exam Room 1.

DaySmart Appointments

Action Links Block

A predefined content block that adds the Action Link content based on the settings for Action Links located in Preferences > Emails. This block is found in the Appointment Details field list.

Editor View


Friendly Email Output

Please confirm the Appointment here!

The text of the link is based on Text entered in Settings > Emails #14. Set the Link Text as the Confirmation link.

Example of Full Template

Hi there ##{{Customer.firstName}},

Thank you for making an appointment with us on ##{{Appointment.startDate}} at ##{{Appointment.startTime}}.


DaySmart Appointments

Example of Final Email

Hi there Heather,

Thank you for making an appointment with us on September 30, 2020 at 2:00pm.

Please confirm the Appointment here!

DaySmart Appointments

Document Links

Including Documents will allow you to share additional information, forms or other information with your Customers. In order to insert links into your emails, you need to first include the block in the email and then choose the files you wish to have included from your Internal Documents list. This block is found in the Appointment Details field list.

Editor View


Friendly Email Output

File 1
Image 1

Example of Full Template

Hi there ##{{Customer.firstName}},

Please review and complete these documents before your appointment:

DaySmart Appointments

Example of Final Email

Hi there Heather,

Please review and complete these documents before your appointment:
File 1
Image 1

DaySmart Appointments

When received, the Customer should click on the links within the email message to open up the files. They will not be sent as attachments on the email message itself.

Virtual Meeting Room Link

A predefined content block that adds the Virtual Meeting Room link and call information based on the settings for Virtual Meeting Rooms located in Preferences > Notifications. This block is found in the Appointment Details field list.

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Friendly Email Output
You can also dial in using your phone.
US: +1 (555) 222-3346
Access Code:########

Example of Full Template

Hi there ##{{Customer.firstName}},

Thank you for making an appointment with us on ##{{Appointment.startDate}} at ##{{Appointment.startTime}}.

For our virtual meeting, please join:

DaySmart Appointments

Example of Final Email

Hi there Heather,

Thank you for making an appointment with us on September 30, 2020 at 2:00pm.

For our virtual meeting, please join:
You can also dial in using your phone.
US: +1 (555) 222-3346
Access Code:########

DaySmart Appointments

Refer back to our Customizing Your Appointment Email Notification Templates article for additional information on where to access and how to use other email customization tools for changing the look and feel of your email messages.

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