Appointment Search Overview
What is Appointment Search?
Appointment Search allows administrative users of a DaySmart Appointments account to quickly search for open Appointment time based off a number of criteria.
Search options include:
Location Attributes, if enabled in your account (available for Platinum and above tiers)
Staff Member
Staff Member Types
Staff Member or Service Filters, if enabled in your account
You can also choose how many search results you see for potential appointments from 5 up to 50. The search page will look something like the image below depending on which of the potential searchable items enabled in your account.
When to Use Appointment Search
This feature will be beneficial to users to locate open Appointment times in a situation where:
All schedules available are booked up for the foreseeable future, or the client wishes to have an Appointment during a certain date range.
Where there are a lot of schedules, with a number of services that are only available on a handful of the schedules in an account. This will be very helpful for any organization that utilizes a call center and can save time for any situation where a client would ask for the first available appointment, or an Appointment far into the future within a date range.
Account Seconds that Disable Appointment Search Feature
At this time, Appointment Search is not available when any of the following features are enabled:
Multiple Appointments per Time Slot (MAPTS)
In SAPTS accounts, Appointment Preference #29
If using the one appointment per time slot version, allow additional appointments to be made in the same time slot (only applies to site administration), and allow overlapping appointments.
Rooms feature
Aside from the use of these features, the Appointment Search will be an option in the left-hand navigation menu in the Appointments tab, below the month calendar.
Setting Up an Appointment Search
To use the Appointment Search feature, click the menu option. When the search tool loads, you'll make appropriate selections based on the criteria that apply. For example, if your Customer wants an Appointment at a specific location and with a specific Staff Member, make those selections and click Search. The more criteria you specify, the better the results will match the Customer's preferences for an Appointment.
Additionally, you may shorten the date range within which you are searching. For example, if you are looking to book an appointment in 3 months, change the date range to the beginning and end of that month. Search results will be restricted to those available open times within that month.
From the list of matching results, click Make Appointment to claim the spot returned in the results. The Make Appointment Window will open, and you'll complete the booking process for your Customer.