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Point Of Sale (POS)
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 6 months ago


The Point of Sale (POS) Plugin is a supplemental feature that, when enabled, allows users to process sales transactions within the DaySmart Appointments scheduling system.

Once enabled, you can access the plugin either by clicking on the POS tab or link below the calendars on the Appointment grid.


  • How to Enable Point of Sale

  • How to Integrate Credit Card Processing

  • How to Add Payment Methods

  • How to Create a POS Sales Transaction

  • Editing Sales Transactions

  • How to Work with Open Balances

  • How to Add Tips to a Sales Transaction

  • How to Sell Gift Certificates via POS

  • How to Process a Payment using a Gift Certificate

  • How to Sell Packages via POS

  • How to Add New Products or Services

  • How to Add Product Categories

  • How to Add a Coupon

  • How to Set Up Sales Tax

  • How to Run Sales Reports

  • Disabling the Plugin

How to Enable POS

The POS plugin can be added to your account or, where needed, specific Locations. To get started using POS:

  1. Click The Marketplace.

  2. Click Payments.

  3. Locate the plugin and click Enable.

  4. From the next step, choose applicable Locations from the drop-down menu

  5. Click Enable to finish the activation.

How to Integrate Credit Card Processing

To integrate credit card processing into the POS system, you need an account with an online credit card processor. These processors are also known as gateways. DaySmart Appointments recommends Cayan/TSYS as a gateway provider, but the following providers will also integrate with the DaySmart Appointments system:

  • - depending on the merchant processor, may be used for payment transactions outside the USA.

  • Cayan/TSYS (USA ONLY) - allows you to use credit card capture for later use.

  • PayPal (International) - only allows payments to be made through the Customer View interface.

  • Payscape - allows you to use credit card capture for later use. Supports payments in the following currencies:

    • US Dollar

    • Canadian Dollar

    • Euro

    • Great Britain Pounds

    • Australian Dollar

    • Japanese Yen

    • Swiss Franc

    • Danish Krone

    • Hong Kong Dollar

    • Norwegian Krone

    • New Zealand Dollar

    • Swedish Krona

    • South African Rand

With the exception of PayPal, if you have one of the merchant accounts listed above, you can enter the credentials into the Customer Payments section of Preferences.

  1. Click Settings.

  2. Click Customer Payments.

  3. Locate the POS section and enter the information from your merchant account.

  4. Click Update.

How to Add a Payment Method

Before you can create a sales transaction, you will need to create the payment methods your business accepts. To view all existing payment types, click on the Payment Types link in the POS section. You can also access this link in the Lists section of Site Administration.

To add a payment method:

  1. Click Add New Payment Type.

  2. Set the Description:

    1. Choose from Standard or Custom. If you choose Custom, enter in a word or short phase to describe the type. For example: Cash or Check.

  3. Set the Type.

  4. Options are:

    -Credit Card - If the payment method is a type of credit card, select this type. Doing this will ensure that when a credit card is entered for payment, the appropriate validation occurs.

    -Gift Certificate - If you accept gift certificates and create a payment type of

    "Gift Certificate", assign it this type.

    -Other - All other types of payment, such as check or cash.

  5. Choose if you want to Allow Customers to See this new type. If you choose No, it will only be visible when creating Sales Transactions in the POS tab.

  6. Click Save.

How to Create a Sales Transaction

Now that you have added Payment Types, you can create a Sales Transaction for Services. If you wish to sell Products, Gift Certificates, Packages, or offer Tips, you will need to set up each of those separately before you create a transaction. Visit each section as applicable to complete that setup. When that is done, return to this section to learn how to create a sales transaction:

  1. Click POS.

  2. Select the Sales Rep.

    1. You can define the Sales Rep as being the person creating the sales transaction or the person who provided the service. You can change the label of this field to be something other than Sales Rep via the Terms section of the Settings section.

  3. Select the Customer.

  4. When you do this, the page refreshes and presents you with one or more drop-down lists.

  5. Choose one from the following:

    • Products (will only display if you have added a Product or Gift Certificate)

    • Product Categories (will only display if you have added at least 1 Product category)

    • Services (will only display if you have added at least 1 Service)

    • Packages (will only display if the Packages feature is enabled)

    • Tips (will only display if you have added at least 1 Product defined as a Tip)

  6. After selection, the page will update to display the selected item. You can then edit the price and/or the quantity. Once you do that, click on the Add button to add it to the sales transaction.

  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to add more items to the same transaction. There is no limit to the number of items you can have on a single transaction.

  8. In the Coupons/Discounts section, select an existing Coupon or enter a one-time Discount if needed. Click Add to apply it to the transaction and have the subtotal calculated. If not, skip to step 9.

  9. Select from the Select Payment Method drop-down list.

  10. Enter in the amount being paid. If the full balance will not be paid, change the pre-calculated Payment Amount. The Customer will then have a balance due amount associated with their profile and this transaction.

  11. Enter any Internal Notes or Receipt Notes related to this transaction.

  12. When the transaction is complete, click Finalize Transaction.

  13. The system then saves the sales transaction and displays a printable receipt.

Processing Credit Cards

If you have integrated credit card processing into your site, click the Process Credit Card button. On the next page, you are prompted to enter the Customer's credit card information (billing name, billing address, credit card number, expiration date, etc.). Once you enter that information and click on the Finalize Transaction button, the system will automatically process the credit card, save the sales transaction, and display a printable receipt.

Refer to the previous section about integrating credit card payments for more information on this feature.

How to Edit a Sales Transaction

The Edit Transactions link in POS allows users to edit or delete a sales transaction. When you click on the link, you can select a date range, a Location (or all), and a Customer (or all). Once you have made your selections and clicked on the List Transactions button, a list of all the transactions that meet your criteria will display.

To edit an individual transaction, click on the Edit button for the listed transaction. All of the invoice data will display. You can then edit specific parts of the invoice. To delete the entire invoice, click on the Delete Entire Invoice button.

How to Work with Open Balances

If the payment amount for a transaction is less than the amount due, it will create an open invoice (a transaction with a balance due) in the system. The next time you process a POS transaction for the Customer, you will see the open invoice display with the balance due. For each open invoice, you can enter an amount to be paid on that particular invoice. You can include payments for open invoices with another POS transaction or you can process them alone. Once you enter the amount you want to pay on an open invoice, you complete the transaction as you would any other POS transaction.

How to Add Tips to a Transaction

To add a Tip to a sales transaction, you must first create a Product defined as a tip. When you are selecting items for a sales transaction, the tip product will display in its own drop-down list. Once you select it, you can override the default amount with the appropriate tip amount. For purposes of sales reporting, tips are handled differently from products and services. They are not included in sales totals on sales reports. They are listed separately on sales reports.

Tips are in the product category of the POS system.

To enable Tips:

  1. Click POS.

  2. Click Products.

  3. Click Add New Product.

  4. Enter the name (Tip), a description, the cost as $0.00 (you will fill this in when you add it), and choose Tip from the Type list.

  5. Determine if this product is Taxable and the Status.

  6. Click Update.

Now, when you are entering a sales transaction, you can choose to add the Tip, by selecting it from the Product drop-down list and entering the amount the Customer wishes to offer as a tip for Services.

How to Sell Gift Certificates

To sell Gift Certificates via the POS system, you first need to create a Product and define the product type as Gift Certificate.

When creating a sales transaction:

  1. From the Product drop-down list, choose the appropriate Gift Certificate item.

  2. Set the cost and quantity. Click Add.

  3. Complete the remainder of the transaction as needed.

  4. Before you finalize, verity the Create gift certificate in database? setting.

  5. Click Finalize Transaction or Process Credit Card as appropriate.

What does it mean to add a Gift Certificate to the database?

When a Gift Certificate is added to the database, users will be able to look it up, edit it, and print it (if necessary). A scenario in which you will not check this box is if you have a separate list of Gift Certificates (see more information on the Gift Certificate tab )

set up for your account.

How to Process a Payment using a Gift Certificate

If you are not using the Gift Certificate feature of the system, processing a POS transaction with a gift certificate payment type is the same as processing a transaction with other payment types. But, if you do use the Gift Certificate module, everything would be the same until you get to the payment type selection part. Assuming you have a payment type of Gift Certificate set up, you would select that as your payment type. You would then enter the ID number (either the prenumbered number or the assigned number) on the Gift Certificate into the If paying by gift certificate, enter number on gift certificate field. If you don't know the number, you can click on the lookup link and search for the Gift Certificate. Once you do that, you can proceed to finalize the transaction.

After finalizing the transaction, the Gift Certificate balance will be updated to subtract the amount paid. The balance and other information about the Gift Certificate can be found in the Gift Certificate section of Site Administration.

How to Sell Packages

If you are using the Packages module and have at least one active package, a Select Package drop-down list will display on the POS page. If you select a Package as part of the sales transaction, you will see an Add package to Customer in database? checkbox near the bottom of the page. It is checked by default and, when you finalize the sales transaction, the system will assign that package to that Customer. If you unselect that checkbox, it will process the sales transaction but will not assign the Package to the Customer. An example of when you would unselect the checkbox is if you had already assigned the Package to the Customer in the Packages section.

How to Add New Products and Services

There are four types of Products that can be added to the POS system: Products, Services, Gift Certificates, and Tips. By default, any Services you set up outside of the POS system

(in the Services section of site administration), will also be available to a sales transaction. If for any reason you want to create your Services as Products in the POS system, you can disable this feature via a preference in the POS section of Settings.

Here are explanations of some of the fields you enter when creating a Product:

  • Code (optional) - this is the UPC code or any other internal code you use for a Product.

  • Unit (optional )- the unit in which the Product is sold, such as each or pack of 10.

  • On Hand (optional) - this is the on-hand quantity of the item. It is decreased every time the item is purchased via a POS sales transaction.

  • Category (optional) - you can put Products into categories for reporting purposes. An example is a Product called Shampoo in a category called Hair Care.

  • Status - if the status is inactive, the Product will not display when creating a sales transaction.

How to Add Product Categories

Product Categories can be added through the POS section. Categories can then be assigned to both Products and Services. To add a category:

  1. Click POS

  2. Click Product Categories

  3. Click Add New Category

To complete adding a new category, enter a Description. Optionally, you can assign the category to add a parent category.

NOTE: These categories are relevant for reporting purposes and can also be used to filter the list of Products when creating a new transaction.

How to Add a Coupon

To create a Coupon in the system, click on the Add New Coupon link in the POS section of Site Administration. Here is the information you would enter:

  • Description - The description of the coupon, such as 20% off special.

  • Code - The unique code of the coupon. The code would be used by Customers when they are making an Appointment. You first have to turn on a preference to display the Coupon Code field on the Customer View (found in the Settings section). When a Customer enters a Coupon Code, the system applies the discount to the amount due. This only applies if you are requiring Customers to pay on the Customer View.

  • Type - The type of discount. There are two types:

    • Flat Amount - a specific amount, such as $5

    • Percent Off - a percent, such as 20%.

  • Amount - The amount of the discount. If it's a Flat Amount Coupon, you would enter the discount amount, such as 5.00 (meaning $5.00). If it's a Percent Off Coupon, you would enter the percent discount, such as 10 (meaning 10% off). For both of these types, there is no need to enter the currency or percent symbols when entering values.

  • Start Date - The first date the Coupon is valid. When you are processing a POS transaction, the Coupon won't display in the Select Coupon drop-down list unless the current date is equal to or greater than the Start Date.

  • End Date - The final date the Coupon can be used. Once this date is surpassed, the Coupon will no longer display in the Select Coupon drop-down list in the POS system.

If a customer attempts to enter a Coupon Code on the Customer View, if the current date is outside of the start and end dates for the Coupon, it will not apply the discount to their amount due.

How to Set Up Sales Tax

To set up the tax rates for Products, Services, and Packages:

  1. Click POS.

  2. Click Tax Rates.

  3. Enter the tax rates for each item type

  4. Click Update.

NOTE: When processing a sales transaction, the tax will only be calculated on those Products or Services denoted as being taxable.

How to Run Sales Reports

To access the Sales Reports, click on the Reports tab at the top of Site Administration, and then select what type of report you would like to run. There are currently 2 types of reports available.

Sales Reports (Predefined)

You will see 5 report options:

  • Daily Summary Sales Report

  • Daily Summary Sales Report (by category)

  • Daily Detailed Sales Report (by transaction and category)

  • Daily Detailed Sales Report (by date and customer)

  • Daily Detailed Sales Report (by rep and date)

Each report provides a different breakdown of the sales data.

To run a report, select a Location from the Location drop-down list and set the date range. Next, select the report type you would like to run, and then click on the Run Report button.

Sales Reports (Custom)

This report will allow you to filter and select what information you would like to include in the report.

To run a report, select a Location from the Location drop-down list and set the date range. Next, chose from the list of filters to filter the report results (if applicable). Use the checkboxes to select what information you would like to include in the report, and then click on the Run Report button.

Disabling the Plugin

If you decide that you no longer want to use this feature, you can return to the Marketplace and remove the plugin from any or all Locations.

  1. Click Marketplace.

  2. In the left-hand column, find the plugin.

  3. On the plugin’s first tab, click the Locations drop-down field.

  4. Uncheck individual Locations or click None.

  5. Click Update.

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