Why Can't I Log into DaySmart Appointments?
Why can't I log into the DaySmart Appointments application?
Navigate to DaySmart Appointments | Homepage and click on the Customer Login link in the top right corner of the menu.
If you are unable to log into the DaySmart Appointments application, please try the following steps:
Check status.appointment-plus.com to see if there is a known login issue.
Clear the cache and cookies in your browser.
If you are having issues with your username/password, ask an Administrator on your account to send you a password reset link.
Try logging in from another network (i.e., from the cellular network of your smart phone) to see if the issue is network-related. If you are able to log in from another network, contact your IT department or network administrator.
Make sure that your browser is supported by DaySmart Appointments. See our list of supported browsers.
Note: In order to log in, you must have been issued a login and password for an active DaySmart Appointments account. If you have signed up to receive ebooks or registered for a webinar, but do not have an active account, you will not be able to log in.